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Today’s Dialogue

A: Hello? Hello…? I think we have a bad connection. I’m getting a very weak signal. Can you hear me?
B: This area has bad phone reception but I can hear you. How can I help you?
A: This is Tracy, is this Dillon’s cell phone?
B: Oh, hi, Tracy! I meant to call you, how are you doing?
A: I am having a rough day . Nothing is set in stone but the new labor union leader is really hindering production at
the factory.
B: As you say, it’s not for sure yet so don’t sweat it until it actually becomes a problem.
A: You are right. I shouldn’t jump the gun and overreact.

* Hinder 을 못하게 막다

* Don’t sweat it 속 태우지 마세요 , 걱정하지 마세요

*Set in stone 확정된

* Jump the gun 섣불리 행동하다

Comprehension Questions
1.According to the dialogue, how is the reception in the area where Dillon is?

This area has bad phone reception .He is getting a very weak signal
2.What is the problem that Tracy has?

 the new labor union leader is really hindering production at the factory.

3.What does Dillon say to relax Tracy?

it’s not for sure yet so don’t sweat it until it actually becomes a problem.

Discussion Questions
1.Have you or anyone on your team ever jumped the gun only to find out that it was a mistake?

My boss always jumped the gun because of her cracteristic.

she can not wait the problem happend. so befor team member check the situation which is happend, my boss guess it with her experience. And let us work by her ordering. it is very tired. our team member work a lot because  the plan is not enough to solve problem.
2.Do you ever have to deal with labor unions at your job?

No. i don't have it. In korea, usuall there are labor team to take care of labors.

so the team is only deal with labor.

3.What would you say hinders you when you are trying to get work done?

Something always happens before i finish one thing. A new work always hinder me what i am doing.


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