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Today’s Dialogue

A: Hey Chloe, I needed to talk to you about hiring some new workers.

B: Okay, but if we get cut off, I’ll call you back. My battery is pretty low right now. But, what about the new workers?

A: Smartphone batteries run out quickly. You should always have a charger nearby. But, back to business, our company has been suffering from a brain drain because our competitors are paying a premium for all our previous employees. There are some other issues but that’s the long and the short of it.

B: That is a huge problem, is there any liability for the other company stealing our workers?

A: We are trying to figure that out but it seems that everything they are doing is legal. But there are several things that we could do. Some of the workers who left did it because they had outstanding salary balances.

B: You mean we are not paying our workers on time? How could that happen? Hello? Are you there?

A: Sorry. We’ve been cut off. Your battery ran out. What did you say?

B: Never mind, let me go talk to some people and I will get back to you

*Brain drain - 인재 유출

*Pay a premium - 할증금을 지불하다.

*That’s the long and the short of it - 요약해 말하면

*Outstanding - 아직 처리되지 않은, 미지불된, 미해결된

*Liability - (~에 대한) 법적 책임

Comprehension Questions

1. Why is Chloe worried that they might get cut off?

--> My battery is pretty low right now

2. What is the main reason why workers are leaving the company?

-->because our competitors are paying a premium for all our previous employees.

and the company is not paying their workers on time

3. How is the competitor company attracting workers from the speakers’ company?

-->because our competitors are paying a premium for all our previous employees

Discussion Questions

1. What are some things your company does to protect themselves from legal liabilities?

--. my company have security line in a building like airport security. all member have to check their body and bags, when they come out from buidling.

2. What’s the last thing that you paid a premium to get?

-. in my case, I changed my job to my company in 2019. 

I wanna go hometown so I designed my career for 5 years to go my company which is developing fabric material. so when i changed my job, the career is the best about tire cord. so I can get premium from my company.

3. Do you think Korea is suffering a brain drain to other countries?

- i am not sure Korea is suffering a brain drain. but i guess there are a little about semi conductive.

but the other company there are no a brain drain.


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