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1.Why does Minwoo need to speak with Mr. Hong?

because He am worried that there is a misunderstanding due to a mistake He made.

2.How long do Mr. Hong’s meetings usually last?

his meetings go for over four hours on a regular basis.

3.In what situation would the mistake not be a problem?

B think that he is sure that even if a mistake was made, if it was made in good faith , it shouldn’t be a problem. 

Discussion Questions
1.What is a particular action that you have do on a regular basis at work?

I check the manufature schedule on a regular basis. In there, I can see making schedule of the adhesion dip solution. 

because I usuall test for fabric physical propeties to know. at that time, I need the adhesion dip solution.

2.When was the last time you had to set the record straight for something?

these day, i am working on solving vetnam factory problem. To solve the problem, I did lots of test. To report to the Director of Research. my boss have to summrise. he told me the report platform and told me do you have the result? I told you but he didn't last word in my vocie. so  i have to set the record straight.

3.How would you react to a subordinate who made a major mistake but it was done in good faith?

I've never been that kind of situation. I think I will try to help him i can. I think it is unfamiliar with his work. eventhough I did it, but if it is not enought solving my subordinate's mistake, I will tell my boss to help us.


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