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Today’s Dialogue


A: Thank you for agreeing to give me a tour of the company campus. I am sure you are busy and I really appreciate
that you carved out this time for me.
B: Don’t mention it, it’s totally my pleasure. Let’s make the most of our time together so feel free to ask me
anything at all.
A: Yes, what kind of facilities do you have in your company?
B: Our company does not cut corners on amenities for our employees so if you can imagine it, we probably have it.
A: Do you have employee restaurants in your company?
B: Of course, our CEO feels that having great food is mutually beneficial for both staff and the company so we have
five restaurants that are all run by Michelin star chefs to make sure that employees only eat the best food.
A: I heard there’s a gym in your company.
B: Yes, the trainers are all Olympic gold medalists so if you need to exercise you will get the best work out of your life.
A: Wow, other companies couldn’t hold a candle to your facilities. There must be a childcare center in the
company for working moms.
B: Definitely, the caretakers all have over 20 years of childcare experience so all our mom employees can
hit the ground running since they do not have worry about their children while at work.

*Mutually beneficial 상호 이익의

*Cut corners 일을 쉽게 하려고 ) 절차를 무시하다 , 경비를 줄이다

*Make the most of 을 최대한 활용하다

*Carve out (time) 시간을 내다

*Couldn’t hold a candle to 발끝도 못 따라가다 , 상대도 안된다

*Hit the ground running 성공적으로 ) 잘 나가다

Comprehension Questions
1. What are the two speakers doing in the dialogue?

they are talking about company facility of Speaker B give their employee.

2. What did the company do to make sure it’s employees only eat the best food?

our CEO feels that having great food is mutually beneficial for both staff and the company
3. What is so special about the caretakers at the company’s childcare center?

the caretakers all have over 20 years of childcare experience

Discussion Questions
1. What is something your company is proud about and confident that other companies couldn’t hold a candle to?

there is just one thing.

my company of industiral is about textile. so once a year give close discount gift of our brand. but it is still expensive even if i take a discount, and disign is a little older. so most of employees don't buy anything.

their think it is just waste money. the other brands is much better price and design.

2. Do you do something to maintain your body so that you can always hit the ground running?

I just joge and go to 필라테스 because my body is not good. i have backache. so everyday i jog or go to gym for doing 필라테스

3. Is there something that you company does that is mutually beneficial for both the company and its employees?

I am so sad it is nothing to tell you. because my company board members don't want to spend money for employees.

even if our company make money a lot last years, but they just give a little bonus. it is not enough because our company made money than 2 year ago.


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