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2023. 3. 23. 05:39

Comprehension Questions

1. What type of leave is Cynthia planning on taking?
: I expect to take maternity leave for six months.

2.How many months will the company offer paid leave for Cynthia?
the company will pay for the first six months but you can take up to a full year if you need.

3. How does Cynthia feel when the conversation is over?
that’s a relief. I was really worried
My coworker said that he had to jump through hoopsto get extra time off.

Discussion Questions

1. What is something that you usually have to jump through hoops to accomplish?
달성하기위해고생하는 어떤것은 뭐냐?
there are two kind of things.
at first, in  my life, i have to jump through hoop all of things such as to make money, to happiply live with my family.
but there are a lot of happend i can not expected. so i try to make the plan before doing something.
the second is about in my company life.
it is also similary but stress is too different.
the company give me stress a lot. and they want me give  some kind of result for making money. so i just make the plan to take the result
even though, which is fake.

2. Do you believe working at a company should be a twoway street or one side should listen to the other?
i think one side. but these day is having little changing. for example, i ask R&D head chief i want to control my working time by my self. the members of hd office can control working time by themselves.
but R&D members can't it. in the past, most of boss just ask for be a good boss. but this time he accepted my ask and working time is changed.

3. What type advice should a person always take with a grain of salt?
it is very hard. i think the advice is not good to listener. because the advice is meaning that you are doing is wrong. You have to change something for it.


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