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Today’s Dialogue

A: Hello, Stacy. I usually don’t go on blind dates so I am not sure what I should say.

B: Really, Ryan? This is my first blind date too, but between awkwardly not saying anything and something boring, the lesser of two evils would be to talk about our jobs. What do you do?

A: Well, I work in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration.

B: Wow! What are your responsibilities at your company?

A: I work with numbers and make sure that all the input and output of the company leads to profits to increase the bottom line.

B: You should give yourself a pat on the back, you seem to be someone very important at your company.

A: It is indeed a very fruitful job.

B: Well, my responsibility at work is controlling and directing all the food preparation at a restaurant called Allesandro’s. I am the head chef there.

A: That’s amazing, I guess you can rest assured that you’ll always eat delicious food

*Bottom line - 최종 결산 결과

*. Fruitful - 생산적인, 유익한

*. Rest assured - (자신이 하는 말을 강조하여) (…임을) 확신해도 된다

* Lesser of two evils - (안 좋은) 둘 중 그나마 나은 쪽

*Give someone/yourself a pat on the back - (무엇을 잘했다고) ~를/스스로를 칭찬하다.


Comprehension Questions

1. Why do both Stacy and Ryan not know what to say in the beginning?

 This is my first blind date

2. What does Ryan do at his job?

I work in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration.

3. What is Stacy’s responsibility as the head chef at Allesandro’s?

my responsibility at work is controlling and directing all the food preparation at a restaurant 


Discussion Questions

1. What is your most fruitful event in the past month?

지난 한 달 동안 가장 유익한 행사는 무엇입니까?

I think it is smart phone promotion event. it is my fruitful event.

because i wanna change my phone so i book the new one.

so i can take blutooth ear phone, case and insurance.

2. What would one of your subordinates have to do to get a pat on back from you?

these day, my team work a lot of things to improve the product quality of vietnam factory. there are a lot of test. 

so we have to test by weekly. so he have to test faster than me. then I Give him a pat on the back.

3. What is something at work you do to maximize the bottom line for the company?

회사의 수익을 극대화하기 위해 직장에서 하는 일은 무엇입니까?

I made tested sample for bicyle tire. it is fast time to do at my company. most of people can make the product for bicycle. but I did. it is to maximize the bottome line at my company.


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