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Company 4

2023. 3. 17. 07:21

A: Hello, my name is Pamela and I just started working here last month. I had some questions about the services
and benefits the company provides for employees.
B: Well, as the head of the HR department , you’ve come to the right place to ask.
A: I don’t want to waste your time by beating around the bush so I will expedite everything by just asking the
questions directly. Please don’t be offended.
B: Definitely not, I appreciate your
candor .
A:Does your company offer retirement benefits to the employees?
B:Yes, of course, we do. We match up to $200 a month. But we might double that amount. The management is
looking at it at a very high level so we are not sure yet.
A: Does this company offer insurance policy?
B: We have several insurance policies that we offer and all employees can choose exactly which one they want to
participate in.
A: Any childcare facilities in the company?
B: We have a great service for all employees with children.
A: What kind of service does the company provide?
B: Parents can just prepare for work and our childcare professionals will go directly to employees homes to get the kids ready by showering and feeding them and then bring the children to the childcare facilities so parents can
focus totally on their jobs.

*Candor 솔직함

*Expedite 신속히 처리하다

*Look at it at a very high level 전체적으로 대강 검토하다

*Beat around the bush 돌려서 말하다

Comprehension Questions
1.Why does Pamela ask the HR work to not be offended?

I don’t want to waste your time by beating around the bush

2. How much might the retirement benefit match be increased to?

We match up to $200 a month. But we might double that amount.We match up to $200 a month. But we might double that amount.
3. What type of childcare service does the company offer?

our childcare professionals will go directly to employees homes to get the kids ready by showering and feeding them and then bring the children to the childcare facilities

Discussion Questions
1. Would you like it if you company sent workers to shower and feed your children at home so that you can get
ready for work?

No. I think the service of send workers is good but my wife does want it.

she doesn't want someone to come home. she think if someone come home, she have to be clear our house 
2. Do you prefer your subordinates to have candor or beat around the bush?

i prefer to have candor. i don't want waste time it. all member of company are getherd to make money.

we don't want to be like the company. i think we just work effectively and take a rest longer.
3.What are some things that you do to make sure that all tasks are expedited but mistakes are still prevented?

I want to work previeously for prevent somthing happened. when i tell my work plan to my boss, i make the preiod more


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